
Nada Tarek Elfawal is a teacher trainer, she trained phonetics and phonology for many years at Notting Hill College in Alexandria, Egypt, and she was a presenter in 2nd IPAWL Conference at AUC in January,2020. Besides, she taught German language for young learners, as her first language is English while her second language is German.

She received her BA. from Pharos University, Language and Translation Faculty, Methodology Department. Moreover, she holds her MA in TESOL from Eton University in USA. Currently, she studying for Ed.D from Eton University in USA.  Moreover, she did many further studies, for instants, she received her diplomas in TEFL, TESOL, and Advanced TESOL from Notting Hill College in UK. In addition, she received her diploma in Montessori as distance learning from London Teacher Training College in UK.  She also attended many conferences that held by AUC like IPAWL 2019 and ILACE2019 that seeks developing the Assessments process and integrating the four skills in Assessments. Furthermore, she attended First Aid and Life support training course by Egyptian Red Crescent, as she believes that teachers and trainers have to create safe-environment to learners by care about their safety and helping them in any emergency situation.