The Importance of Leader Teacher
Leadership is so essential in educational field. Teachers should be aware of how they could change students’ life toward better one. Moreover, principals have to create safe environment for the employees and teachers as teachers also should create safe environment for the students. Thus, this will benefit the students to learn and became responsible for their own learning and this definitely will improve the learning process. So, the teachers should know how to be leaders and keep learning and collaborate with their peers to develop themselves to influence their students in order to encourage them to work and achieve their objectives.
The Importance of Leader Teacher Leadership is not only for principals or managers but it also for everyone. Leadership is way of thinking that could be developed by everyone. Anyone could be leader; teachers are leaders who are raising new generations of leaders. Leadership is kind of thinking; it is one of
the ways of how to deal with others and how to have a good impact on who surrounded you and it could be developed. In addition, “the world becomes a better place when people become better leaders” (John C. Maxwell). Moreover, everyone seeks to succeed in his/her career.
Then, the first step toward this success is being a good leader and to ask “why?”, the “why” has a magic and power.” As it help in finding the purpose of doing anything and it helps in finding the objectives; which will benefit in discovering the motivation behind every action.
Furthermore, leadership always opens the gates for the beautiful mind to work. As mentioned by Edward De Bono, 2010 in “How to have a Beautiful Mind” that the old concept of education was to develop a liberal mind that was cultured and could then learn to do anything. A lot of subjects matter was taught to develop this “mind”. The new concept might be to equip youngsters to function in society and contribute to society. This means much more emphasis on thinking skills, learning how value is created in society, practical mathematic and so on”. I want to focus on the importance of leadership in education and how the teachers should be passionate leaders.
According to leadership in education, it is so essential as it has a great role in raising new generations that will be leaders one day and serve their communities. Leadership could be learned and developed. Learning does not have limits it exist in every stage of life and for every position. Not only students are learners, but teachers are also learners as well as leaders. Moreover, learning could take place in anywhere, besides anyone could learn.
Furthermore, learning is the most important purpose for the human being as it helps the human’s brain to grow and think. First, teachers have to be learners too in order to achieve their objectives. In other words, teachers could not only explain new things, but they also learn from their students. Teachers have many things to learn during their journey in the field of teaching and leadership. They have to learn the methods that suit their objectives. They also need to learn the students’ multiple intelligence in order to give them the integrated activities that help them keep concentrating and to motivate them to learn new things. However, they have to be learning how to share their experience and learn from their mistakes. “A mistake is only a failure if you don’t learn from it” Quoted by Roland Niednagel. In other words, mistakes are opportunities for learning. In addition, Teachers have to learn how to create the safe environment and how to create culture. As Teachers not only can learn from their experiences, but they are also can learn from their peers’, and from the leaders’ experiences too. So, leadership is so essential for teachers as well as principals. Since teachers were the one who are responsible for the whole class as principals; who are responsible for the whole system and the whole school. Then, they should be learning how to be leader and sharing values with their students. In addition to practice listening to the students’ voices and share with them the responsibilities.
This will be full filled if these teachers became passionate teachers. There are some features that help the teachers to increase their passion. In light of that, there are many aspects that could feed head teachers’ passion, in order to achieve more and to facilitate their work to not feel bored. Moreover, these aspects helped the teacher to move forward and develop the learning process and they also affect the others. “Only when the purpose, cause or belief is clear can a symbol command great power” (Simon Sinek 2011). Then, when the teachers started to think how to develop themselves as leaders, this will be the first step to feed their passion and find their targets to work hard in order to achieve them.
First, influence is important in developing leadership; which also helps in feeding the teachers’ passion. As mentioned in “Developing the leader with in you 2.0” by John c. Maxwell. “After more than five decades of observing leaders around the world and many years of developing my own leadership potential, I have come to this conclusion; leadership is influence. Moreover, one of the most effective ways to understand the power of influence is to think about the time you have been touched in your life by a person or an event (John Maxwell 2018) .He added “If you can’t influence people, then they will not follow you. And if people won’t follow, you are not a leader. That’s that law of influence”. Thus, Trust is what makes the people trust you and follow you. Because, they believe that you are caring. So, once they trust you, then you can influence them.
Second, growth mindset; “which is about believing people can develop their abilities and the great teachers believe in the growth of the intellect and talent, and they are fascinated with the process of learning” ( Carol S. Dweck 2008 ). Growth mindset actually serves teachers and leaders in giving feedback as they praise efforts more than praising the results. Moreover, they will help their students to learn from mistakes. Moreover, they always create safe environment which raise the students’ self-confidence, and motivate them to learn.
Furthermore, they encourage their students to keep trying and they believe that every student learns in a different way this is why they always care about the multiple intelligent and they prepare their lessons depending on student oriented objectives.
Third, leaders should always encourage people and students to work as one team and feel that they belong to the place. For instance, the principal will encourage the teachers to work as one team and will let them say their point of views. The teachers also will encourage their students to work in groups as they could help their students to assess each other. As the feeling of cooperation and collaborating will benefit the teachers and students to work in safe- environment.
Finally, students learn from their parents, teachers and coaches. So all of them are leaders whose actions shows their students and children what leader and growth mindset means. As students always learn by actions. In other words, they learn by example not by telling them what they have to do but how they can do. Students will feel your support to them and how you are so passionate in teaching for them. Moreover, they will work so hard because they will understand that their effort matter and appreciated. In addition, they will be in safe – environment, because their voice is heard. They will work so hard to improve
themselves and their learning.
- Brown, B. “Dare to Lead”, New york, Random House, 2018
- Maxwell, John.C “ Developing the Leader within You 2.0”, Nashville, Tennessee, Harber Collins, 2018
- Gunter, H. “ Leaders and Leadership in Education”, SAGE Publications Inc, 2001
- Dweck, Carol S. “Mindset: the new psychology of success” Penguin Random House LLC 2006,2016
- Sinek S., “Start With Why: How great Leaders inspire Everyone to take action” Portofolio, Penguin group, 2011
- Davies B. , Brighouse T. “Passionate in leadership”, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2008
- Covey Stephen.R., Summers M., etal, “ The Leader in Me: how schools Around the World are inspiring Greatness one child at a time” New York: Free Press, 2008
- De Bono E. “How to have a beautiful mind”, London: vermillion , 2010